The other day I put on a pair of pants and to my surprise I couldn't close them. Ugh. How did this happen!?! When did this happen!?! Immediately I began to evaluate what I was eating and how it changed so much so that my clothes weren't fitting. I could not figure out where all the extra calories were slipping into my diet. In an effort to regain control I signed up on, which has been helpful. I have also begun the Turbo Jam series; I will update you on that later.
In order to reduce calories yet eat yummy foods I have been finding ways to alter my favorite recipes.
I was up late, late, late, last night and was slow to rise this morning (it was barely morning), around 2:30 pm my belly roared "feed me!" So I stared into the abyss of my frig trying to figure out what I could make relatively quickly and easily-PASTA! You know I love fresh pasta, specifically from Raffettos, last time I was there I picked up some amazing rosemary fettuccini, I decided that would be my linner or dunch.
I never order any dishes with alfredo sauce or cream sauce when I'm at restaurants because I know it has a million calories and a pound of fat. I can't even think of the last time I had fettuccini alfredo. Today!
Well sort of, I used Trader Joe Reduced Gilt Spinach & Kale dip, which has only 30 calories for two tbsp! Yep, two tbsp. I sauteed some spinach, bok choy, and kale and grilled half of Field Roast sausage topping it off with a little grated paremesan. This meal comes in at less than 400 calories which isn't bad for my first and main meal of the day (I will have a salad later this evening). The dip is quite tasty, which was a pleasant surprise, I will incorporate it into a few more dishes in the coming weeks. I'd even warm it up and use it as dip for my brocolli...hmm, that might be my evening snack tonight.